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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Repeat data in subsequent rows if empty

7 - Meteor

Hi Team,

I'm looking to repeat the data within the same column into the subsequent rows if they are empty.

So for the below, if there is a sub-name in column B, I would like the name to be repeated in column A. 

It would also work if the name is repeated in row 4 and 5, as I could filter them out later on.



I think multi-row formula would be a solution here, but I'm not able to use it to get desired result.

Any suggestions?

13 - Pulsar

Hey @GosiaK,


Try the Multi-Row Tool and go with smth. like: 


IF IsEmpty([A])

THEN [Row-1:A]




and select A as the column that is updated. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @GosiaK,

To get the data into column A if it is empty you just need the Formula tool like this:


To get the data to go down a row you can use a multi row formula like you said:


The community has some quick and easy videos on formulas and the Formula Tool here


If you want to learn more about the Multi-Row-Formula Tool the community has some quick and easy videos on the topic here:


Any questions or issues please ask

Ira Watt
Technical Consultant 

7 - Meteor

Hey @FrederikE 


This was my approach, but the name has been repeated only in the first blank cell, so in above example, name1 is only being added to A2, but not A3-5 and so on. 

Is there any way to fill out all empty cell from A2 to A4 at one go, instead of repeating the exercise? 

7 - Meteor

Hi @IraWatt ,


Just to clarify, I don't need to move values from column B to column A, but repeat value from A1 into A2-4. 

Using the multi-row formula, I was able to repeat the value once only to A2, so looking for solution that would allow to repeat to any number of empty cells below the value.

13 - Pulsar

Hey @GosiaK,


You need to select "Update Existing Field" (at the Multi-Row Tool) and select the Col. there. Then it will always reference the newly updated fields.




7 - Meteor

Hi @FrederikE ,

That worked, thanks a mill.
