This might be really simple but I wanted to remove commas that were by themselves on empty columns. I will provide a picture below for more context
I want to keep the commas if there is a name next to it but remove the commas on ones that don't. Thanks in advance!
You can use the following formula:
if length(trim([BL2Final])) = 1 then regex_replace(trim([BL2Final]),',','')
else [BL2Final]
Or you can use the Multi-Field Formula to do the same:
if length(trim([_CurrentField_])) = 1 then regex_replace(trim([_CurrentField_]),',','')
else [_CurrentField_]
Hi @dpatel53 ,
For the lines which had commas only, we assign a null value and for those where we had names, the commas in prefix are kept.
Find attached a way to do this
@dpatel53 , You can easily achieve it by using Multi Field Formula. Sharing the workflow on same. Please accept my solution if it helped you.