I'm trying to parse the DownloadHeaders field which is returned from an API call to Azure DevOps. Specifically I'm trying to get the value (in Itallic below) after the X-MS-ContinuationToken field. I've tried using Text to Columns using the ":" delimited with limited success and watched videos on using RegEx.
Could someone provide the proper RegEx syntax to pull only the value from the X-MS-ContinuationToken field?
Below is an example section of the data returned in DownloadHeaders:
X-MS-ContinuationToken: eyJTY29wZUlkIjoiNDNjODI4MzItMTQzOS00OGY0LWE0OTItY2QyMGM5MjFkYjJlIiwiUGFnZVNpemUiOjUwMCwiSW5jbHVkZUdyb3VwcyI6ZmFsc2UsIkluY2x1ZGVOb25Hcm91cHMiOnRydWUsIlBhZ2VuYXRpb25Ub2tlbiI6ImI2NDFiMWJiLTVkYWQtNjViZS1hMzI4LTgwMTA5ZDNiYjFhZiJ9
Request-Context: appId=xxxxx
Thank you
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Mess,
Thank you for the quick response. I'm not able to get the RegEx to work. I still get the other fields.
Here are my results:
Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:bc4abf5c-496b-4715-b19d-02137b6d6946
Could you share the sample workflow please.
Strange, because I'm getting the good result.
Could you share the sample workflow please.
Strange because I'm getting the good result.
Hi Mess,
I changed the Regular Expression to:
and now it works. Thank you for the help.