Hi, I installed the R packages and now I get an error "AlteryxRPluginEngine.dll" how can I fix it.
Many of the reference pages have been removed and I can't find a solution.
which version of designer/which version of r- are both admin/non-admin?
I have the admin version
This article will help: https://knowledge.alteryx.com/index/s/article/Error-Generic-Tool--Cant-find-plugin--AlteryxRPluginEn...
In addition, from the community: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Desktop-Discussions/Can-t-find-plugin-quot-Alteryx...
Please make sure if you download admin version for Designer, your R tools should also be the same. Everything should be consistent as well.
Hi, I followed the steps in the links and I can't find them within
the Alteryx page to download the predictive package.