hi Everyone,
I have a practical and common question here:
From the app development and user friendly perspective, which one works better with Alteryx ? I am sure many business face the same choice some insightful ideas will be highly appreciated !
Thank you very much
Best Regards
Others may be able to chime in with their perspective, but in theory it shouldn't matter which one as it relates to being used alongside Alteryx. I have used both in prior companies as the visualization layer after a workflow and had no issues with integration. You can either land your data in a database table at the end of a workflow that is consumed by a load script, or you can use the Output to PowerBI tool and land it in the PowerBI instance directly.
Can I say Tableau ? 🙂
I've never used Qlik or PBI, but Alteryx is really used in the data prep process with output to a database. That said, Alteryx can publish directly to Tableau (Server & Online) and also has a PBI output tool now.
Clients I work with like that Tableau is fast, visual and (mostly) code-free and Alteryx ticks all those boxes as well.