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Python Tool create 'Temp' folders

9 - Comet



Some workflows of mine are running with a 3 python tools inside of each workflow. The tools itself run fine but I see that it is creating temp folders in the location my workflows is stored. 


in one of the workflows with deduction I'm able to spot what kind of folder is for what kind of python tool..


the problem I'm facing is that i want to know if a python tool is looking for that specific folder and how I can check and change that.


Temp folders:



for exemple: in one workflow I know that the folder selected (739cffe...) is used by python tool x in workflow Y

but I want to know if python tool x in workflow B also uses that folder to store some temp files in.


Is there a way to check this in the settings or in the tool itself?

5 - Atom

I'd love to see an answer to this too. . .

When I execute a workflow containing a Python tool on my local machine, I don't see any of these folders generated. However, when executing the same workflow on a remote machine, there's a folder generated in the same location where the workflow exists, just as you've described above. It appears that the folder name remains unchanged, but the contents within are updated with every new remote machine run.

I'd ideally like to be able to assign the directory where these types of folders are written to for organizational purposes.

9 - Comet

@rothdrew True, I hope that the Alteryx Community (or the Alteryx Community support) knows what those are. because I also want to see if i can move those folders to 1 folder to easily manage those  'python folders'. 

5 - Atom

Replying to this post for visibility. I'm having the same issue in the Alteryx Python tool where temp folders get created and then later cause errors when I'm trying to run my workflows. So after running a workflow, a temp folder gets created automatically and I have to manually delete it each time.


Is anyone aware of a setting to turn off the Python tool's ability to create temp folders in my local? Thank you, and let me know if you need any additional information (but my screenshots would be the same as the original posters).

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