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Publish to Tableau Server V2.0.0

11 - Bolide



I downloaded the "publish to tableau server_v2.0.0.yxi".  I'm using Alteryx 2018.2.  

Publish to Tableau Server.png


I clicked the installer and clicked "Install".  Nothing happened.

Tool installer.png

Does anyone know why I cannot install the tool?




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @knozawa,


Thank you for the question.


Could you find please check in Connector palette if you could find the tool?


Kind regards,


Paul Noirel

Sr Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx




11 - Bolide



After restarting the PC, I could find the publish to tableau server tool on the connector palette.




7 - Meteor

I did the same. However the Publish to Tableau tool seem to be missing the Output Tab section. Any help will be greatly appreciated. 



8 - Asteroid

Hi @PaulN,


When I reopen a saved workflow connector tool keeps loading and loading. Every time I have to delete the tool and add it again.


Is it a bug or if I do something wrong?





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

HI @iyoob,


In order to see the Output tab, you first need to connect to Tableau server. Could you please test and let me know ?


Kind regards,


Paul Noirel

Sr Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @esar,


Could you please precise your version of Alteryx Designer and of Publish to Tableau Server tool ?


Kind regards,


Paul Noirel

Sr Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx

8 - Asteroid



Tool version is 2.0.0

And Alteryx 2018.2.4.47804


Looks like if I don't disconnect tool from Tableau server that problem occurs after re-opening the workflow file.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @esar,


Thank you for the quick answer. Could you please open a case with Alteryx Customer Support ( for further checks please ?


Kind regards,


Paul Noirel

Sr Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx

7 - Meteor

Hi @PaulN


Thank you for the reply. You are correct, I believe I am having problem connecting to Tableau online. But the problem is it is giving errors in 2 different places. One I can read and other is hidden behind the form. 


First of all, I am trying to connect to Tableau online. I don't know if I am putting the credentials etc in the right place under the Sign In To Table Server section. It seems to be pretty basic, but who knows.


Error Description 1: You can see in the bottom left (attached image) there is some error description in red, but hidden behind the form. 


Error Description 2: 4 critical errors in results window (Bottom right). 


Please let me know if you need more information. 


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