Hello folks,
I am using the 'Preserve formatting on overwrite' option along with "Change the entire file path" option to overwrite few rows in an existing excel sheet. The excel sheet that I wish to overwrite consists of cell and table borders, and when I overwrite these cells using Alteryx, there are few cells where the cell borders are preserved, and then for few cells these borders disappear. Not sure if others have faced this issue. Any help on how to resolve this is appreciated.
I have not experienced this. Can you show us a screen shot of the steps (Output Tool Configuration), the "before" excel look, and the "after" look?
hi, I believe I'm facing the same issue with preserve formatting:
I am updating a couple of tabs in one file.
Couple of tabs have a bigger range.
In two tabs I just want to write data in one field, however since I'm joining all the data streams into one, I need to extend the named range:
and the formatting is compromised:
do you know what is causing it?
Just in case someone needs a workaround - I used conditional formatting in my template in Excel, and I'm just colouring the fields in white:
@SylwiaDragon if you change from Null to empty, does it work?
No, it's the same.
I tried to mess around with different named ranges and it didn't help either.
@SylwiaDragon Have you tried creating a batch macro, which gets the input as you've shown, and just before the output tool deletes all Null columns? Doing so you'd avoid having all those nulls, which also means you can give a specific cell as a range (C17:C17).