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Populate missing data, but not using a normal interpolation method (Convert Excel macro)

5 - Atom

Hello Alteryx community, l need help...
First of all, I’m new to Alteryx (like 2 weeks), and my head is spinning….


My goal is to convert a working Excel VBA micro into the Alteryx platform.
Please see the attached Excel sheet (data and graph) while following the explanation, a picture is worth a thousand words…

In a nutshell I need to populate the missing data (no red line), but not using a normal interpolation method. The tricky part is to remove the major step change (gap, no red line) then concatenate the good data (red line) at same point in time, but with a new starting value that equal to the ending value of the previous corrected value. The flat lines in the back line are where the major step change occurred, the flat line value is the previous corrected value. 

The red line is the raw data, black line is the desired corrected data, and the blue line are trigger points that represents the data gaps start and stop points (1=gap, 0=no gap).  
Thank you in advance!

19 - Altair

Hi - are you saying that you just need to fill the value with the last good value?

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