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Pivot table - Format Cross Tab

8 - Asteroid

Hi guys,


I have the following pivot tables (Cross tab tool) below, and I need to do some format amendments;



As highlighted, I am trying to switch January and February around. 







For the 2nd screenshot, I am trying to format the data/table into something like below;

Non - SG EntityNon-SG FO           9,054         7,365         9,393       25,812
Non - SG EntitySG FO       186,075     184,178     263,160     633,413
SG EntitySG FO              412            217            295            924


Is there something in the Reporting tool i can use?



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

The Cross Tab tool will arrange the columns based on the Accending Order of the Column Names, so we need some Prefix to tract the order of the columns.
I usually do something as below.


5 - Atom

You can use the Table Tool to format the table if you want to use the reporting tools. Simply re-arrange the columns on the per column configuration tab.


You may also do this using the select tool if the column arrangement is the only issue.



14 - Magnetar

@ZahinOsman you could also use the select tool after the crosstab, admit that can be a bit manual though

8 - Asteroid

Thanks all! let me try the suggestions

8 - Asteroid

How do I arrange it from Cross Tab results?



ultimately you are correct in your final output, this is what I want to achieve




8 - Asteroid

@Qiu Hey I tried your method but realized the input you have is already in the desired format. Could you elaborate?


So in the below screenshot I have the following Cross Tab 




Trade EntityFO LocationMonthFebruaryJanuaryJuneMarch
Non - SG EntityNon-SG FOFebruary7365   
Non - SG EntityNon-SG FOJanuary 9054  
Non - SG EntityNon-SG FOMarch   9393
Non - SG EntitySG FOFebruary184178   
Non - SG EntitySG FOJanuary 186076  
Non - SG EntitySG FOJune  1 
Non - SG EntitySG FOMarch   263160
SG EntitySG FOFebruary217   
SG EntitySG FOJanuary 412  
SG EntitySG FOMarch   295



It needs to look like the table below;


RecordIDTrade EntiryFO LocationJanuaryFebruaryMarchTotal
1Non - SG EntityNon-SG FO9,0547,3659,39325,812
2Non - SG EntitySG FO186,075184,178263,160633,413
3SG EntitySG FO412217295924



I am having trouble re arranging the Cross Tab table to attach prefix's. Any advise would be appreciated

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

@ZahinOsman 0310-ZahinOsman-r1.png0310-ZahinOsman-r1-A.png
You are right.

So we can convert the String of Month to Month Numbers with DateTime function then we can have the correct order.


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