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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Paste a file into a folder with prompt command and do additional development in same WF

8 - Asteroid

Hello. I have the following situation:

1. I need to copy and paste a file into a different folder using prompt command tool;

2. do some development on the copied file.

I want to have both of the actions into the same Alteryx workflow. I already tried to have them both in the WF, but first is running the dynamic input looking for the file in the folder (which is none before the prompt command runs), and then the prompt command runs and pastes the file in the folder. I tried looking to have the containers in order and the tools IDs in order as a solution, but I encounter the same issue.


Do you know how I can run both steps within the same WF?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @Denisa_Grecu. You can use the Dynamic Input Tool after a Block Until Done Tool to ensure you copy the file before reading it in. See attached for an example. Let me know if you have any questions.



8 - Asteroid

Hello @PhilipMannering,


Thank you for the solution. It worked.

