Sorry - i thought i posted this but can't see it - might be something to do with the multiple spam that is hitting the site.
Please can you help me
I have a list of files from a directory tool that i want to pass into the macro that contains the python tool
from ayx import Package
from ayx import Alteryx
import pandas as pd
import pdfplumber
#file = Alteryx.data("#1")
pdf = pdfplumber.open('c:/files/files/INVOICE_3660075585.pdf')
page = pdf.pages[0]
text = page.extract_text()
page_df = pd.DataFrame([text])
I would like to change the red text based on the contents of the directory tool...whenever i tried the alteryx.read(#1) function it just went completely wrong, whereas the above will successfully read the contents of the file...i just need to be able to read 400 of them so one by one isn't really practical.
Not sure what I would do if it spans two pages though!? Most are 1 page.
I am only looking for two specific pieces of text so I don't really mind about the formatting etc.
@ck2024 try the updated macro
Thanks so much @binuacs - it works a wonder... I wonder is there a way of outputing in a seperate column the filename that it relates to? Just so I can separately identify what the information I am trying to gather relates to? At the moment, it all dumps out in a single output so i can't work out which one it belongs to? Thank you again
@ck2024 updated workflow attached