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Part List Comparison

5 - Atom

Hello All-


I am working on a work flow that can combine parts lists from separate sources and determine a disposition for each part. I currently have two lists that contain part numbers and the location they are in the layout and where they are used in our process. I have created a Part_Location identifier in each document to determine the part number and station it is needed.  I am trying to find a way to compare values in the lists and determine if the part is a current part, a new part, an old part, a part that needs removed or a part that needs added. 


Current Part: Currently in the same location in the layout and process

          Ex: In layout at bench 9000L and used in the process at station 9000L

          My Idea: Part_Location (LayoutColumn) = Part_Location (ProcessColumn)

New Part: Found in the process but not found in the layout document at any station

         Ex. In the process at station 9000L but not in the layout at any station

         My Idea: Part_Location (LayoutColumn) ≠ Part_Location (ProcessColumn) AND Part (ProcessColumn) is not in Part(LayoutColumn)

Old Part: Found in the layout document but not found in the process at any station

         Ex. In the layout at station 9000L but not in the process document at any station

         My Idea: Part_Location (LayoutColumn) ≠ Part_Location (ProcessColumn) AND Part (LayoutColumn) is not in Part(ProcessColumn)

Remove Part: Not needed in the process at the station it is found in the layout but is needed at a different location

         Ex. In the layout at station 9000L but not used in 9000L in the process but is used and needed in 8000L

         My Idea: Part (LayoutColumn) is in Part (ProcessColumn) but Part_Location (LayoutColumn) ≠ Part_Location (ProcessColumn)

Add Part: Needed in the process at a station that it is not at in the layout but is currently used in another station

         My Idea: Part (ProcessColumn) is in Part (LayoutColumn) but Part_Location (LayoutColumn) ≠ Part_Location (ProcessColumn)


I have used a Join multiple to get all the information into one table but am not sure how to do the compare and return the "Current", "New", "Old", "Remove" or "Add" to an output file. 


Any help would be great!

21 - Polaris

@dclacey would you be able to provide a sample input file and expected output results?

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