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Parse error at char(0): Empty expression

6 - Meteoroid



I'm using a Dynamic formula updater macro inside my Alteryx WF.  For some reason i'm getting the below error on the Dynamic Formula updater Macro step.


Error: Dynamic Formula Updater (1) (161): Record #43: Tool #5: Parse Error at char(0): Empty expression


I have attached all my input files(I replaced one qvx input with an excel file because of memory) .  Please advise on how to resolve this issue. Also i have been able to see the output file but due to the error, the output email is not being sent.


Please advise


Thank you






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Vignesh_07 


This error could mean one of your referenced fields is stored as a string. Based on "char(0)", I'd guess it's the first one. You'll need to change the field to a numeric data type (like with a select tool) or temporarily change it to a number in your expression with ToNumber([field]). 


Can you provide the tool that errored out?

What was the expression used in tool 5?


6 - Meteoroid



I have already shared the macro tool and the alteryx WF.. All my fields are strings. I don't know what could be the problem. Could you please take a look at the WF and macro shared. Thank you

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Vignesh_07 


The current filter has a = sign, and the cat column is a string value so the filter wouldn't work properly.


Can you change the filter to the following expression to see if it resolves the issue? 


length(([CAT #])) in (5)


6 - Meteoroid

I have attached the Workflow as a package

6 - Meteoroid

I just used the same expression but it still shows the same error- 

Error: Dynamic Formula Updater (1) (161): Record #43: Tool #17: Parse Error at char(0): Empty expression (Expression #1).


But now it shows error at Tool#17 which is a formula tool inside the Macro- do we have to make changes to that as well?






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Vignesh_07 


I believe the issue is occurring because something changed in the metadata, and the field/ column [variable_name] is no longer available, i.e.: the variable being used to create a formula is missing or has not yet been created


This article explains this error message in further detail.



6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for the help. But still there's no luck on resolving this issue.

5 - Atom

Hi @Vignesh_07 , I had a similar issue, and it seems to be caused by a blank boolean expression field in the Dynamic replace tool configuration. As long the value is not 0 , it should run without that error.

13 - Pulsar

Have you tried to run the automation in Debug mode and then look for Record 43 you might be able to see what is the error and figure why you are getting it.

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