Hello community,
I would like to extract data from the data in a column and extract the data using a delimiter second occurrence (.) from the end of the string. Below is the example and the expected output.
Input | Expected Output |
Can I get two possible options of achieving this. One would be using Regex and one would be using a formula similar to below, I was able to figure out on extracting the text after the last delimiter, but not two occurrences.
Right([JSON_Name], FindString(ReverseString([JSON_Name]), ".")) - Formula to extract from the end for the first occurrence of a delimiter
Thank you in advance.
Here is another way to solve the problem with non-Regex Functions:
Formula (just make sure you reverse input before and after the following 2 formulae):
ReverseString(LEFT([Input],IIF(FindString(Substring([Input],FindString([Input],".")+1),".")=-1,Length(Substring([Input],FindString([Input],".")+1)),FindString(Substring([Input],FindString([Input],".")+1),".")) +FindString([Input],".")+1))
Or using Alteryx version 2024:
Alternative Regex approach that works for lists of longer than three strings:
REGEX_Replace([Input], "^.*[.](.*?[.].*?$)", "$1")
Note: I assumed that period character "." was your separator per the OP even though the sample data has bother "." & "," (i.e. commas were included in sample data).
Hope this helps and Happy Solving!