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Overview screen gets a big red cross whenever a workflow is copied

8 - Asteroid

Hi can someone help on how to avoid  this. Whenever I copy a container or a workflow and paste it in another file I get this big red cross and not able to view the overview. I have to close all the other workflows and open new then it gets fixed. Any way to set up so that I dont have to close the workflow to see the Over view 





15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Lumjing,


It looks as though your machine may have run out of memory, what's the specs of the machine? Have you got a lot of other things open at the same time?


Kind regards,


8 - Asteroid

@Jonathan-Sherman  thanks for the reply. No I dont have any other workflows open other then the current workflow. I cleared my Temp files and now am able to see the Overview

8 - Asteroid

What steps cleared the temp files? I have the red X overview myself. 

8 - Asteroid

Found the steps:
Determine the folder for temp files as shown under Options/User Settings/ Edit User Settings


Then close Alteryx and navigate to that folder, delete everything in that folder (making sure you arent directing or saving other files in this directory). 

Relaunch Alteryx and open the same workflow, now Overview will appear normally. 

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