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Outputting Polygons after a spatial match?

5 - Atom



For a university project I am trying to create a scoring framework based on climate indicators and visualise this on Tableau. Since I don't have access to any reliable reverse geocoders, I downloaded a .shp file with all level 1 administrative boundaries and did a spatial match with my climate data (which has a very long list of centroids covering the globe). My issue is when I do the spatial match, the data that comes out of it is equal to 3GB, and I can't output the matched polygons to a shapefile as it says that the file exceeds 2GB. To address this I've kept lowering the maximum number of rows per file and still got the same message. I even output the polygons as a .gdb file and after 5 hours, it outputted a 440GB folder. When I split my outputs I manage to download all of the centroids and attributes, but I need the polygons for when I begin visualising as the centroids only show points all around the globe while I need them to be concentrated and filled in each individual State/Province. 


I hope I wasn't confusing and happy to clarify. I also attached a screenshot of part of the workflow which might be helpful. Screenshot 2023-07-07 171729.png

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Is there overlap with the Admin boundaries? What are your record counts going into each anchor of the Spatial Match tool? Have you tried the other Spatial Match options (diagrams here: Spatial Match Tool ( 


It's hard to diagnose without seeing the data / record counts, but my guess is it's finding multiple matches and blowing up your dataset. In addition, I would make sure to limit the outputs to only the data needed - aka remove any spatial object columns that are not needed. Looks like you may be doing that already but multiple columns of spatial data will blow up your file size.


Can you provide the workflow & sample data by chance?

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