Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Output coming twice

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,


I have a canvas which has wand to run 3 parts of output. All output comes via email. if I run 1st and 2nd part output is coming only once. whereas Part 3 alone giving output twice. Can anyone advice what can be the issue here.


17 - Castor

So you're getting two emails for part 3? If so there's probably two records going into the email tool.

6 - Meteoroid

Yeah. So, how can this be corrected? and why that is not happening for Part 1 & 2?

17 - Castor

The email tool sends one email per record going into it, so I'd guess part 1 and 2 only have one record. The answer would be to consolidate part 3 to one record, but you'd need to provide much more detail to give an appropriate suggestion. Is it possible to share some sample data? 

6 - Meteoroid

Problem is i don't have the sample data with me, but I got what you are saying. I will check further on this and come back. Thanks a lot Luke.
