I am getting this error now that I upgraded to 2024 release. Does anyone know how to solve it?
The Outlook 365 tool uses embedded Python. This text from the listed webpage is relevant:
Designer tools that rely on Python must be upgraded to work with Python 3.10.13 or they will not work in Designer and Server 24.1.
And these sections from the FAQ:
Are the Python-SDK-based tools that ship with the product affected by this upgrade?
No, we upgraded these tools as part of the Python upgrade effort. They should work automatically.
What happens if the Designer and Server versions of Alteryx are different?
You shouldn't encounter an error if (1) you have uploaded a workflow with a Python SDK-based tool from 20.3 to a Server that has been upgraded to 20.4, (2) the underlying code is the same, and (3) you have fixed your Python-based tool workflow by re-installing the same YXI file on the Server. Every Python-based tool that has active workflows should be re-installed on the Server.
The Outlook 365 tool that ships with Alteryx should have been updated. Did your software version upgrade work ok?
It says that Alteryx 2024.1 includes the embedded version of python 3.10.13. Do I still need to install another copy of python 3.10.13 manually? or is it the Outlook tool that needs to be updated and if so how is that done?
@cherylwinschuh I updated my original reply. Did your software version upgrade work ok?
Our workflows are not on a server, but I did find an updated outlook 365 tool. I am trying that now to see if it fixes the issues.
Thanks for the suggestion, what I had to do was download the updated Outlook tool that works with 2024.1.