I am trying to match to sets of numbers were rounding is an issue so one side it could be 300.02 and on the other is 300.04, and for another entry the difference between them is 300.02 and 300.03 so the difference between the numbers is not bigger than 0.02. is there a way to create a join/match like this where we can set a max margin difference between them using a single tool a combination.
Thank you i
compare two data sets where I have two set of data that have sales that can differ
Hi @dialpemo1
I attached an example of we are calculating two decimal up and down and matching it with the other dataset.
Hey @dialpemo1
There is no single-tool solution for what you're trying to do, but like @pedrodrfaria has shown, you can do this with a few tools.
Some considerations:
@pedrodrfaria 's solution is probably more elegant - as long as you spend the time to think through what you will do to detect and address multiple match situations.