Hello Community!
I love the interactive diagram of the Network Analysis tool! I can render it in a Browse tool and even as an HTML file for viewing in a browser. However, I cannot figure out how to render the interactive diagram in the Results window on the Gallery! I am wanting to make a network analysis app on my company's Gallery so that users can generate a network diagram for their own department and view/use it right away in the Gallery. Does anyone know a way to do this? @RamnathV, I liked your post on rendering an HTML file of the diagram to a specific folder path and made an app that did so...do you know how to actually render it in the Gallery results window?
I have tried a Render tool with .pcxml output. I then packaged that Render tool when publishing. Interestingly, the webpage that appears when an app completes was morphed with the HTML of the Network Analysis tool (see attached picture), but the interactive diagram was nowhere to be seen and my browser kept asking me to reenter my credentials over and over again. This attempt is attached as well.
I feel like I'm so close! Everyone I've show the diagram to with my Desktop Designer automatically expects to see it in the Gallery someday soon, so I hope I can get this to work. Any help is appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Ran into the exact same issue based on the post here: Export Interactive View from Predictive Tools
Very eager for a resolution, because interactive viz on the Gallery will make for a great experience for our analytics consumers!
Hi all, the inability to render the interactive visualizations on the Gallery is a known issue and has to do with how the interactive plots interact with the gallery. Resolution is on the roadmap.
@Garrett I just wanted to pass along what @DultonM and I have come up with so far. It's certainly not perfect, but I think it's a step forward while we wait for Alteryx to provide a solution. If you're using the Alteryx Server (not the public Gallery), then the attached should be able to display the interactive R visuals with a couple tweaks: 1) In the macro inside the workflow, you would need to look at the formula tool and change this to path of your webpage. This can be found in the system settings on the server. For us, it was "E:\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\gallery\". For you, it may be something different. 2) You would need to setup a new folder called "Interactive" on your server's box in that same folder location. For us, we created a folder here "E:\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\gallery\Interactive".
With those 2 simple tweaks, we then had nice visuals in our gallery:
Essentially what we're doing is this: Instead of having the render tool translate the htmldependencies, we just read in all those css and js files dynamically and create our own html file. Then we use a simple iframe to reference our newly created html and display this to the user. It has its shortcomings (the html can't be downloaded the way I've set it up and it's storing it to a public spot on the server), but I thought it would be fun to throw this out there and see if anyone else can use/improve it!
Truly marvelous @patrick_digan! I was even able to use your solution for other predictive tools with interactive outputs! It is great that we have this workaround because it could be quite some time before this feature is built-in. Thank you so much!
A few notes I'll add to help others use this solution:
> The only asset (from this solution specifically) that should be packaged when you publish to your Gallery is the render tool .pcxml output.
> The workflow will fail validation when publishing because of file reference differences between the desktop and server environments. You can get around that by encapsulating everything after the Predictive tool in a Tool Container, disable it, and then add an Action tool that is configured to Enable. What this does is disables the solution until the workflow is initialized to run. The Action tool will then Enable the Tool Container and the workflow runs as expected. Something about disabled Tool Containers gets around the Validation check when publishing.
Could you please share the "DynamicReportText" macro that belongs inside the "Test Iframe" macro? Looks like it fell out of the yxzp.
Very cool. Thanks!