How do i subtract comma as thousand seperator
Solved! Go to Solution.
I've managed to do it, but my solution is far from optimal as i'm sure some clever regex would be able to do this simply. This works for this specific example but on a large dataset i think there would be more problems as this solution assumes column A only has commas in.
My solution is attached, hopefully its of use and will give you some ideas for doing it better than i can!
Hi @John_da
What is actually being used as thousands and what as decimal separator in your original data? A seems to be using a comma for decimals and B a full stop. Is that really the case?
The easiest way to get around this is to just use a replace formula. You want to ensure that your numbers have no thousands separator and a full stop as decimal separator. Eg: 12345.66
You can then convert that to a number format with no problems and do your calculations.
If both A and B are the same format then you can also use a multifield formula and convert the data type in the same step.