Hi all -- I want to use custom filter tool in my existing Alteryx workflow where I can filter out data such way where if market value to get filter out only for quarter end dates and Inflow and outflow to get filtered for all the dates in the table. for example in the below table quarter end date is 06/30/2023 so after filter I need output with one record market value which has date 06/30/2023 and rest all records of inflow and outflow. Every quarter end dates are changing so i need the solution which will work in all upcoming quarter ends.
Date | Data_Type |
4/20/2023 | Inflow |
4/30/2023 | Market Value |
5/24/2023 | Inflow |
5/24/2023 | Market Value |
5/26/2023 | Outflow |
6/30/2023 | Market Value |
If you convert the date to a date format, then you could add the following formula to a filter tool...
RIGHT([Date Format],5) = "03-31" OR
RIGHT([Date Format],5) = "06-30" OR
RIGHT([Date Format],5) = "09-30" OR
RIGHT([Date Format],5) = "12-31"
See the attached workflow. I'm not sure if that's sufficient, or the Data_Type has to be Market Value and a Quarter End. The attached workflow has both options.
Hope that helps.
Hi – Your this solution is somehow useful to filter out quarter end market value records but my another condition is to retrieve all the records where data type is not equal to market value. So just to avoid confusion I need below output data after custom filter where only quarter end dated market value get filtered and all other records where data_type is not equal to Market value.
Date | Data_Type |
4/20/2023 | Inflow |
5/24/2023 | Inflow |
5/26/2023 | Outflow |
6/30/2023 | Market Value |