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Multiple Delimiters for Text File

6 - Meteoroid



I have two files:


  1. Text File.txt - this is the file that I hope to parse out through the delimiter file
  2. Delimiters.xlsx - this has 179 delimiters that I need to use to parse out the Text File data

As stated above, I would like to use the Delimiters file (which has a lot of delimiters) to parse out the Text File. What I had initially done was: I brought in the Text File as a Flat file and then try to delimit by width, but realized that it needed to be parsed by character length. 


Any thoughts would be much appreciated! Thank you!

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @schoi419 


If you specify that your input file is a .flat ASCII,


you can then click the Blue ellipsis and specify the format of the file using an other file



The format file needs to be in a specific xml format

<flatfile version="1">
  <file eoltype="crlf" allowShortLines="f" allowLongLines="t" trimWhiteSpace="t" />
    <field name="Company Code" type="V_String" length="15" />
    <field name="Division Code" type="V_String" length="15" />
    <field name="Department Code" type="V_String" length="15" />
    <field name="Tax Category Code" type="V_String" length="4" />
    <field name="Geo Code" type="V_String" length="10" />
    <field name="the rest" type="V_String" length="1432" />


This information is already in your .xlsx, so it should be relatively simple to convert it to this format



6 - Meteoroid

This was amazing. Thank you!

5 - Atom


I have had a similar problem to the one shared and I have used Dan's advise. My first file loaded beautifully but my second and subsequent files only 'bring back' the first line of data. I have not limited the record numbers in any way. What am I missing?

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