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Multi row Formula

7 - Meteor



I have a dataset which has multiple IDs. each ID can have more than one entries. It looks as below. 


IDClient namedate trantionedTransitioned bytransitioned From StatusTransitioned To Status
1ABC11/06/2021 15:50:43DaneCreatedIn Progress
1ABC11/07/2021 21:10:04TomIn ProgressOn Hold
1ABC11/07/2021 23:30:31TomOn HoldCompleted
2DEF11/06/2021 08:43:06RyanCreatedIn Progress
2DEF11/07/2021 10:54:16SamIn ProgressOn Hold
2DEF11/08/2021 14:48:19 SamOn HoldIn Progress
3GHI11/03/2021 12:26:38DonCreatedIn Progress
3GHI11/03/2021 12:26:38DonIn ProgressOn Hold
3GHI11/03/2021 12:26:38DonOn HoldCompleted
4JKL11/08/2021 13:42:53NicoleCreatedIn Progress


I want to achieve two things here. 


1) My main objective is to see which IDs are In Progress transitioned to status. Output should look similar to the below table. 


2DEF11/22/2021 14:48:19 SamOn HoldIn Progress
4JKL11/08/2021 13:42:53NicoleCreatedIn Progress



2) I created a workflow where I was able to filter out a lot out extra entries however I am not able to filter out certain IDs (for example ID 3). Due to a technical glitch, program is creating different entries for certain IDs where all the information is same (such as trantioned date and transitioned by) other than transitioned from and transitioned to status. This glitch is creating different entries for particular IDs where it shows same person transitioned the ID from and to all the existing statuses on the same time. 


Thank you very much in advance for your help!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @vchauhan011 


Here's my understanding: You want to see the clients who's latest update is to 'In Progress'. 


To do this, I don't think you need a multi-row formula. What you can do is sort the data by date (after converting the timestamp to a datetime field), take the first value (most recent), and filter to see which were moved to in progress.




7 - Meteor

Hi @Luke_C 


Thank you for providing a solution! Right, I want to see clients who's latest update is to 'In Progress'. 


I used the same tools and process as you suggested in my current workflow however, it is still capturing unwanted entries for certain IDs. These entries are created due to the glitch in the software. Since all the entries for these IDs (ID "3" in the input example) have same date and time stamp, sampling tool is capturing them instead of filtering them out. Can you please advise how can I fix it? Thank you! 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



I've worked in a similar case. This is a case of ticket management, where the ticket always starts as Created and then the status can be changed to In Progress or On Hold until it reaches the Completed status, right?


What usually happens to have 2+ transitions in the same minute is that the REP that is working the ticket needs to close it (status = Completed) but also needs to add some extra information before closing. When the ticket is closed they can't changed it. So, they move the status from In Progress to On Hold to stop counting time for SLA, and then close the ticket.


In this case, we can take @Luke_C approach as the base and treat the exception (having 2+ transitions in the same minute).


I've built an example that removes all IDs that reached the Completed Status for the transitions that occurred in the latest minute.


See if it helps


André Zuccatti

Sales Engineer - LATAM -
Alteryx, Inc.

7 - Meteor

Hi @AZuc ,  Thank you for providing the solution. It worked perfectly! 

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