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Multi filter + Output Data

8 - Asteroid



I need to output from the filter in Ture, then filter again in the false and get the output and repeat until it ends.


In each true filters I need to add same formulas the export the output.


Is there anyother way I can do it in one filter but create new column that contains what I need?


Or any other way to optmise this?


Please see the alteryx workflow as attached.


Thank you for your time.



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



If you have a large volume of records, your solution may be optimal if you're finding the biggest data in the first filter.  That being said, I would do the following:



[Status] == 'Inactive' THEN 1 ELSEIF

     [Status] == 'Cancel'  && [Balance] = 0 THEN 2 ELSEIF

     [Status] == 'Cancel' THEN 3 ELSEIF

          [Status] == 'Open' && [Balance] == 0 THEN 4 ELSEIF

          [Status] == 'Open' THEN 5





I would nest the "RESULT" of a larger single IF statement as the mutually exclusive sets of "TRUE" outputs.  Then I would feed the results into either a single filter or directly into an output file (whichever is appropriate).  In that one output tool, I would configure it to take name from field RESULT and let the one output tool create all of the individual files based upon their result.




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
8 - Asteroid

Hi Mark


Thank you for your solution.


Sorry i am not very good with If function, in your solution you wrote =0 and ==0.what is the difference between them? do they mean if the statement is True?


Also for the last Else you return with 6 straightway, is that because you dont have anymore condition?





20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



in earlier versions of Alteryx, if you compare two values the expression looked like:


A == B


now, it is permitted to be 


A = B


My expression looked at two values as an example formula.  I wanted to create mutually exclusive results like your picture depicted.  The final result getting the value 6 is the default to that logic.  It could have been empty or Null.


The bigger point was to encapsulate the total decision as to which output file the record belongs to in a SINGLE formula and to use the result variable to drive the data record to the correct output file.




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
8 - Asteroid

Hi Mark


I Managed to get a new column with result Eg 1-6. Then export from them with automatic output per result value.


Thanks for the help.


