I have a data set that consists of 3 fields: store number, ID, and name such as below:
The issue I have is that every "Name" under "Store 2" does not have a middle name, which is what I need to keep the data consistent. The ideal outcome would look as such:
Is there a way I can apply the following logic:
If the ID field for Store 1 = the ID field for Store 2,
Then the Name for Store 2 = the Name for Store 1,
Else the Name for Store 2 remains as is
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
maybe something like below? 😁
The issue is that there may be different names in-between, so it wouldn't necessarily work if it takes the value before, or after the row.
Yes, I forget about the Store ID, we can group by Store ID.
Unfortunately, that didn't work. My actual dataset is scattered so referencing the row below or after will not work in this example. Sorting the data in this specific scenario is not an optimal solution for this example in case you were thinking of using that as a workaround.
A more realistic before and after scenario of my situation would look like this actually:
A sorting tool will do😁