I am trying to calculate rank using multi row formula tool. I want to assign same rank to same score, and all ranks should be consecutive (No missed numbers) (Similar to Golf)
I am using this calculation -
If [Count]<[Row-1:count]
then ([Row-1:Rank2] +1)
else [Row-1:Rank2]
It is giving me desired results, but it's starting from 0. I need to start it from 1.
Selecting "Set Values of closest valid row" for values for rows that don't exist should do the trick? But it's not. I think I understand it wrongly. Can anyone please clarify what this really means? And how to achieve this?
Any help would be great. Attching workflow for reference
Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
@rs1 I would try 1 of these two things:
1) Apply a min max of 1
If [Count]<[Row-1:count]
then ([Row-1:Rank2] +1)
else [Row-1:Rank2]
2) Set the don't exists to "null" and then set nulls to 1
If isempty([Row-1:Rank2]) then 1
elseIf [Count]<[Row-1:count]
then ([Row-1:Rank2] +1)
else [Row-1:Rank2]
@rs1 See attached workflow with both of my answers. You could also use the tile tool.
Thanks @patrick_digan!