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Multi-Row Formula help needed

7 - Meteor

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use the Multi-Row formula tool. 

In the table below, I'm trying to create columns that sum each PayType that happens between the Voided Payment PayTypes. I guess this would be grouped by SourceStore, Agree #, PayType of Voided Payment, and PayDate. Below is an example of the data and under that would be the desired output.


SourceStoreAgree #PayDatePayAmtPayType
C0204369451/15/2020 12:29-11.5Voided Payment
C0204372952/29/2020 14:03-150Voided Payment
C0204372953/20/2020 16:2335Extension
C0204372953/27/2020 19:53-152Voided Payment
C0204373903/7/2020 17:14-51.3Voided Payment
C0204373904/14/2020 11:2047Extension
C0204373904/15/2020 9:2025FreeTime
C0204385193/13/2020 17:47-64.82Voided Payment
C0204385197/2/2020 16:53-64.94Voided Payment
C0204385191/28/2021 13:32-129.88Voided Payment
C0204385192/20/2021 11:2664.94Extension


Desired Output:


SourceStoreAgree #PayDatePayAmtPayTypeExtensionSumFreeTime Sum
C0204369451/15/2020 12:29-11.5Voided Payment00
C0204372952/29/2020 14:03-150Voided Payment350
C0204372953/27/2020 19:53-152Voided Payment00
C0204373903/7/2020 17:14-51.3Voided Payment4725
C0204385193/13/2020 17:47-64.82Voided Payment00
C0204385197/2/2020 16:53-64.94Voided Payment00
C0204385191/28/2021 13:32-129.88Voided Payment64.940


Any help is much appreciated because I can't wrap my head around how to do this. Thanks.

13 - Pulsar

See if this works for you.

I used the multi-row to associate the Non-Voided Payment item with the Voided Payment that came before it, used a crosstab to roll-up and sum the columns and then joined it back to the Voided Payment that it was associated with.







7 - Meteor

That is exactly what I needed. I think I got locked into thinking that I could get my final product through the multi-row tool and forgot that it could just be a step to getting the final product. This helped for my current issue and it helped my thought process in using this tool in the future. Thank you very much.
