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Missing SalesForce Input Tool in Connectors

6 - Meteoroid

Hi there. I have downloaded the SalesForce Input tool (v3.1 - we have SSO) and when I run it to install it, it acts like it installs, and I can even use the tool if I copy and paste from other workflows; however, it's missing from my connectors.  How can I troubleshoot this? I've looked and looked for a resolution, and none seems to fit my situation exactly. 


Can you navigate to the circle with the plus button towards the top right of your screen and then click on "Connectors" in the new window that pops up in the middle of your screen? You should see "Salesforce Input" and "Salesforce Output" displayed. My guess is that maybe they don't have a check box next to them which would prevent them from being displayed. 




6 - Meteoroid

Unfortunately no...see attached. As you can see, I can use the actual input tool....but I am forced to copy and paste from existing workflows.


It looks like your SalesForce Output tool has installed successfully, just not the Input tool. 


Is this the installer that you ran:!app/Salesforce-Input-Tool/59b84ccbeffc2a09d4057c43

6 - Meteoroid

Yes, that's the one. v3.1


Here's the back story. We started with Designer 2019. Finally got our server, and our server is version 2018, so we had to downgrade designer as well. When that happened - I lost the SF input tool in the connectors; but like I said, I can still use it as long as I copy and paste it from another workflow...which is not ideal. 


Ah I see. Can you check to see if you still have the deprecated Salesforce tool as well? If you right click in the toolbar and click "show deprecated tools" to see if a salesforce input connector pops up in the connectors tab. 


Can you also navigate to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools and let me know if you see any folders that say Salesforce Input and a version number right afterwards?




6 - Meteoroid

Brandon, thank you so much for the response - I apologize it took so long to get back to you. Showing the deprecated tools popped it right up there where it should be! I also navigated to the tools folder, and the SalesForce folder is there but with no version number. However, the tool is now working as intended, so thanks again!

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