Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Minimum size for datatype

8 - Asteroid

Hi, I would like to keep my data field size smaller as it is currently 1073741823 for all of the V_WString. May I know what is the minimum data size I can set without impacting the data in the field?

14 - Magnetar

Hi, @terrellchong 


You can use select or multi-Field Formula tool to manual set-up the field size.

8 - Asteroid

I know how to change the size, just unsure to how low i can set it to so that it wont affect my work

14 - Magnetar

If you don't change the data again, you can last use Auto-Field tool to match exist data size. 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @terrellchong 


The minimum size should be the size of the longest string you have in the data, anything under that will truncate the string.

13 - Pulsar

@terrellchong ,


Auto Field tool is exactly made for that. It keeps the size of largest string of a field and set the size of field to this largest value.


So you don't have to set the size one by one for each field. Just select fields to apply this rule in tool.


It works with string fields only.


