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Merge workflow output with in db

11 - Bolide


Im new to alteryx, and after having googled for hours, im gonna try here.

I cant figure a way to do a BETWEEN in alteryx? 

I have a reference code and a weight in my workflow.

And i wanna fetch a price where workflow weight is BETWEEN Min. Weight/Max weight ... 

But i cannt figure how to do it?

Ive tried uploading my price table to a sql service, cause i wanted to be able to do the SQL.

But I cannot do it correct combining the workflow data with th SQL connection?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

To find records with values between a certain range, you can use a filter tool with multiple conditions. See attached for an example. 

11 - Bolide


Yes i have tried that to the best of my knowledge.

But if the Min. and Max. weight is defined in my pricing table.

And i wanna add that to my workflow as a data source, but i have no field to join it with.

Lets say:

Id Line key                     Weight 
2019DennisWeight           100 

Pricing table: 
IDLinekey                Min. Weight - Max. Weight 
2019DennisWeight     75                   125 

how would I add my pricing table?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You can join the pricing table on the line id key. For the filter, you can reference the min and max fields. See attached for an example. 
