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Matching kml data

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


Pretty new to Alteryx so this may have been answered in some way already, but I'm trying to map STPs based on the CCGs within it (multiple CCGs = 1 STP). I have an Excel with the corresponding CCG to STP, I just need to match the CCGs to their spatial boundaries to be able to map them (please see attached).


For that, I have 3 options: on the ONS website I can either use a .kml, .csv, or a shapefile. From the csv I tried using the create points tool but it's not creating the full polygon, just points - but the .csv contains the CCG names and codes for me to match to the other dataset. From the .kml, I can map the polygons but the CCG names and codes aren't there so I can't match them to their STPs. I'm not sure how to use shapefiles in Alteryx.


The boundaries are here (not attaching them as the files are very large):


Would someone know how to complete this task? Thank you!



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @FloWang,


I think this is what you're looking to achieve?




If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know! I've attached my workflow for you to download if needed.




6 - Meteoroid

Hi Jonathan,


That's exactly it, thank you so much! I looked at the workflow and seems like you worked from the shp file? Would you mind telling me how you got it to work? Everytime I download the shapefile from the ONS website, extract the .shp file from the zipped folder, and try to run it on Alteryx it says that the system cannot find the file specified? I feel like I'm missing something potentially very basic... 


Thank you,



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @FloWang,


Glad it solved your issue! I used the attached file (you'll need to unzip it first). 




You could simply open file explorer and drag and drop the .shp file into the alteryx canvas which should auto-create the input tool with all configurations needed.


If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct to help others find it more quickly!




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