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Looping with unknown , unsure??

8 - Asteroid



So i'm new to Alteryx, so I hope I'm creating an apporpriate subject.... I am connected to a sql database. For each customer, we have service teams. Service teams can either be sales person or rep person. There must be atleast 1 of each, but could be 2 or more but the number on the customer is unknown. 95% of the data only has 1 sales or rep, but I have to count for the others


Data Looks like the: (the 2 tables have a UID)




Customer Name      Customer #

Michael Jackson          12345




Employee           Type             Primary       

Steve                  Sales                Y

Jane                   Sales                N

Amy                    Rep                  Y

Michelle              Rep                  N

Suz                     Rep                  N


I think I need data like this:


Customer Name      Customer #      Primary Sales         Primary Rep        Second Sales       Second Rep      Third Rep

Michael Jackson          12345           Steve                         Amy                        Jane                     Michelle          Suz


But again, not sure how many there are.....


I will also have revenue transactions by customer. My problem with the row format is I got the revenue for each person. Any help appreciated

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Michael,


Firstly, one of the great things about Alteryx is that you can do all your Analysis/Grouping/Organising in one format and then easily turn your data into another format. I say that, because it is going to be a lot easier to work with in a transposed format as there will be an indeterminate number of Sales & Reps for each person...


So, starting with this data:


Customer Name Customer #
Michael Jackson 12345
Tom Jones 23456
DeeDee Ramone 34567


Employee Type Primary CustomerID
Amy Rep Y 12345
Tom Sales Y 12345
Cindy Sales N 12345
Michelle Rep N 12345
Suz Rep N 12345
Bob Rep Y 23456
Tom Sales Y 23456
Jane Sales N 23456
Linda Rep N 23456
Steve Sales Y 34567
Jane Sales N 34567
Linda Rep Y 34567
Michelle Rep N 34567
Suz Rep N 34567
Bob Rep N 34567


- Join the data together on CustomerID (Or UID) and then

- Sort by ID, Type, Primary (Desc) followed by a

- Multi-Row Formula grouped on ID & Type with the formula: [Row-1:Rank]+1 to make a field named Rank

- Formula tool with a switch function to create RankText: 


- Another Formula to create Header: [RankText] + " " + [Type]

- Crosstab to get table

- Select to re-order fields


This way, if you have revenue per person, you can attach it before the crosstab. The main thing that this does not take into account is the order of non-primary Sales/Reps.


I have attached a module for this example.



8 - Asteroid

Thank you very much. I believe this is what I need to proceed. I see the results, now I just have to understand process.....


PS - Not sure if this is frowned upon in this community, but I'll ask anyways. I believe I need someone to help with a buildout of something. I can articulate it, but lack the skills for the next one. Is there a place to find people for hire to help with this???



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You could always start a new thread with some sample data - community members are always willing to jump in and help. That way you'll be most likely to learn the tools as you are building and being coached. 


Tara McCoy
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