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Look up data from one column to another column - FIND & REPLACE help

7 - Meteor

Need help using the FIND & REPLACE tool (or another way to accomplish essentially a VLOOKUP from Excel). 


The value I need to "vlookup" is in column 1. The value that I need to populate, in a brand new column, is in column 2. Both data points are in the same source data in my Alteryx flow.


I currently have both the find & replace set to my source data, "Find Within Field" set to column 1, and "Find Value" set to column 2. I have "Append Fields to Record"...but I get no results. 


Clearly I'm doing some part of this wrong -- any help is greatly appreciated!!

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @ewall,


You can accomplish this with a self Join and a Union to bring all the data back together.  I added RecordID, Sort, and Select tools to format the data.


Find and Replace.png


