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Loading data into a Database table using Alteryx

5 - Atom



I was wondering if anyone can help with this please. 


I want to create an Alteryx workflow that will load customer subscriptions data into a database table weekly. The new subscription data will be stored in a spreadsheet and will be updated weekly with the full list of existing subscriptions and new subscriptions including any updates made to existing subscriptions. The workflow will first connect to that spreadsheet and then load the data into the DB table.


I also want the DB table to include a ‘Changes’ column that will record whether or not a subscription has been deleted e.g. If there is a subscription from customer 2 in the DB table but customer 2 is no longer there in the new subscription data from the spreadsheet, I want the DB table to preserve that record and label ‘1’ for that record in the Changes column to show that the subscription was deleted so that a historic record is kept in the DB. Also, when a new year begins, the subscriptions spreadsheet will only contain records for that particular year but I want the DB table to keep a record of all the previous years whenever data from a new year is loaded in. I have attached a workflow of example data.


Is this all possible to do in Alteryx? If so please can someone explain how.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@JPassion13 what you're asking to do is possible. However, It would take quite a bit of explanation here to tell you how to do it. We recommend that you post a sample workflow with sample data of what you've attempted so far. That will give the Community an idea of your skill level and an understanding of what your data may look like. The community can then provide you a possible solution.


I would suggest taking a look at this to start.



5 - Atom

Hello @DanM


I have attached a workflow with example data of what the initial DB would look like, example of the new spreadsheet data that will be loaded into the DB and example of the DB after the spreadsheet has been loaded in



5 - Atom

Hello @DanM


I have attached a workflow with example data of what the initial DB would look like, example of the new spreadsheet data that will be loaded into the DB and example of the DB after the spreadsheet has been loaded in


