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Limited number of recipients for an email workflow

7 - Meteor

Hello everyone,

I have several workflows that are reading off of an Excel file for the email addresses.  Our company has a 10,000 max per email address, per day.  I have 6 lists split up to run.  The first two I ran were less than 2,000 emails.  The one I ran today was 4,300 email recipients.  Everything was running fine up to record 2,700.  At recipient 2,701 I received an error (Failed to send email to one or more recipients).  Seems strange that it stopped at 2,700.  There are no attachments, just a letter.  Any help is appreciated.


Is there an invalid email address that it was trying to send to? Have you already taken a look at the email address in question?

7 - Meteor

This has happened in two workflows now and the email addresses appear to be in the correct format.  The emails are provided by our Master Data team so I don't know if it is a "good" address.


It might be worth checking with your email team to see if there is some kind of throttle going on like only so many emails can be sent in 10 minutes or an hour or something similar. This could make sense given the daily limit you mentioned. 

7 - Meteor

Thank you,

I have reached out to our IT department to inquire on this.

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