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Joining Approximate Matches

7 - Meteor



I am working to match items from a bank statement to sales for a bank reconciliation. As with most places handling cash, the amounts of the deposits do not always match the amount of sales due to cash over/short, and the lag time at the bank may cause there to be a 2-4 day difference in date.


I am able to find many matches by Joining with Location ID, Amount, and Date. All of these must be exact though for them to match.


I am trying to find a way to make the following data join together, within say $5 and within 5 days to create approximate match. Fuzzy Match could be a helpful tool here, but I am not sure.  


Data 1:

DateAmountLocation IDDescription


Data 2:

DateAmountLocation IDDescription
8/01/201775.00LASCash Deposit
8/04/20171498.97ATLCash Deposit
8/08/2017457.93DALCash Deposit
8/27/2017150STLCash Deposit


In the ideal world, the output would look like this:

DateAmountLocation IDDescriptionDateAmountLocation IDDescription
7/27/201775.00LASSales8/01/201775.00LASCash Deposit
8/01/20171500.00ATLSales8/04/20171498.97ATLCash Deposit
8/03/2017457.91DALSales8/08/2017457.93DALCash Deposit


I would definitely need the Location ID to match perfectly, but is there a way to build this logic into a join tool using formulas or some other tool to get those amounts to show as matches? I would not want the last record with STL to match because it is outside of the date range set. 


I also attached a flow with sample data if this helps.


Thank you!!!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Here's my attempt. Loved this challenge btw.


I rounded values to the closest 50 and then did a +4 days on the sale date.

If not perfect it should definitely help you get to where you wish to be.



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I've generated a workflow that instead of rounding values to 50, works on the +-5 logic you outlined in your post. I missed this.



7 - Meteor

This works perfect for what I need it for! Thank you SO much!

5 - Atom

thanks for this solution! it looks the logic is just +5 (Could you add the -5 logic)?


if a date is 27th August, it should be counted from the margin of +/-5 i.e., 22nd August and 1st October? 


Is there other method that does not create new rows? it would be heavy computational cost if you consider big datasets. I want to join two data sources on the time-stamp with a margin of 3 minutes i.e., +/-3. 


