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Join while ignoring nulls in secondary table

6 - Meteoroid

I have a primary table and a secondary table. I need to join the primary table with secondary table to obtain the value of SKU in Primary table. But I want to ignore the join condition for columns for where it  null in secondary table,i.e. if there is null in a certain column there could be any other value in the primary table for that particular column.


I know that this could be achieved using "IIF" in formula tool, but in that case I will have to code each and every row from the secondary table into the formula. And I am having more than 150 rows in the secondary table. Is there any way to achieve the same using a join or something else?


Below are the example for the same:


Primary Table

Brand Sub BrandProductAdditionalSKU
b2sb2 sdf 
b4 p3sdf 
b5  sdf 
b6 p4sdf 
 b7 p7sdf 


Secondary Table

Brand Sub BrandProdcuctSKU
b1sb1 1
b2sb2 2
b3sb3 3
b4  4
b5  5


Join Result

Brand Sub BrandProductAdditionalSKU
b2sb2 sdf2
b4 p3sdf4
b5  sdf5
b6 p4sdf6
b7 p7sdf 
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Abhishek_Gupta If you have a set number of columns, perhaps the attached could work for you. I just tried joining on brand first, then sub brand, then product. By unioning all the results, I got the desired result. Perhaps your actual situation is more complicated and won't work for this method.

14 - Magnetar



Here's one more option should you still be looking for others...


6 - Meteoroid

@patrick_digan Thanks for the help...But I guess this would become a very complicated solution in my original situation.

6 - Meteoroid

@jrgo This one is a nice solution. Although I achieved the task by using "Conditional statements(IF then)". But I will use this approach in my next task. Thank you  
