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Join and Union Tool Error

8 - Asteroid

I am using a join tool then union tool.


So for example.


Left dataset have 10 columns and 100 rows

Right dataset have 3 columns and 20 rows.


I use join to join left and right dataset, both have 2 columns as their key.

Out of Join tool is

L is having 10 columns

R is having 13 columns

I use union tool to club L and R, output I am expecting is 13 columns and 120 rows.


But I am getting 13 columms but the right dataset rows are not found.


Indivudual L and R output seems correct but Union the rows from R is missing, I dont know where i Mgetting wrong

8 - Asteroid

My workflow is basically stuck here, unless I dont merge my orignal dataset with my checking dataset, i cannot move forward.. 😓

13 - Pulsar

It will be helpful if you attach you WF.

How many identical rows do you have in the L and R? How many rows are you expecting to get in J?

Does both database have the same headers, meaning that after the join it will rename the items coming from the R with Right_ prefix, and then is any field been unselected.

Service check from L will be Service check while from R it will be Right_Service Check so the item from J and L will not be under the same header. But again, hard to tell without seeing your WF.

8 - Asteroid

@OTrieger please find dummy worflow. when I connect J to Union tool first, i get J output, when I connect L first to Union I get L output, Idk where I am getting wrong.. Column names headers are same..


Same thing, I tried to merge using BI, result is coming. 

13 - Pulsar

Thanks, as no data was added still hard to say, but I only can assume that the Join works correctly. So either the configuration of the Join is wrong or your data is not exactly them same otherwise it will join. It from your configuration and the snippets it seems that there are no items with Service-Checks that match items from the L side.

8 - Asteroid

THere are matching rows in both dataset, so ideally matching ones are coming in Join result and rest in L, however when I try to union them since finally i want to append the dataset horizontally. however output is either L or J, idk why.

So I extracted the data in Csv and joined in BI and in it working.


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