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Join Tool removing row where lookup value starts with 0.

5 - Atom

I am joining two data sets using JOIN tool. My specific fields, both left and right have values which start with 0. For example, some are 02471, and 09281 while others start with a value greater than 0; for example 41699, and 87124. After I run my flow, I see the record where the specific fields starting with 0 have been removed. Do I need to change the data type on my SELECT tool to something else (I've tried String, V_String, and VW_String) or is there another solution? I need to keep these records in my output rather than moving them. Any help is appreciated, thanks. 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @Mitch_McMichael 


You can use the formula PadLeft([Field1],5,"0") where it defines the length of the field as 5, and fills in as many zeros as required at the start of the field. You will need to have the field as string as i assume Alteryx is defaulting the fields to a number and removing the 0

5 - Atom

Great, thanks @DavidSkaife. That works perfectly 
