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Iterative Macro with Dynamic Max Iteration Number (for Certification Halloween Exams 2024)

11 - Bolide

As mentioned before at this topic, I would like to share a process that modifies the max iteration number of an iterative macro before executing it, although I had to build an analytic app (which requires the Alteryx Runner Standalone Macro Installation) that would run the flow that contains the iterative macro twice to get an accurate result.


You will need to run the Analytic App TrickOrTreat_ModifyAndRun.yxwz after the package is exported to a location of your choice.


Although the max iteration number is the same with the record number, it probably wouldn't be much of a challenge to set them differently from each other.


It is more of a proof of concept work for a simple scenario, and I hope it will inspire the creation of new processes for different use cases where the max iteration number needs to be set dynamically.


I'm not very knowledgeable in iterative macros and even though a dynamic max iteration number might not even be necessary, I still wanted to share it as I enjoy building dynamic processes.


This is great @NeoInfiniTech  thanks for sharing! I wanted to make sure you knew about the Alteryx Gallery where users can share workflows, macros, and apps that other folks may find interesting or want to replicate. Check it out and see if this is something you might want to share there! Here's one I posted recently which is admittedly not as advanced but...still fun 🎨

Cailin Swingle
Customer Experience
11 - Bolide

Thank you @CailinS!


In addition to this package, I also have some analytic apps/packages published at the Gallery, but wasn't sure if I wanted to post it to Gallery as it is not that optimized for my liking, but I might also post it there after revising it.


I looked at your workflow as well and I must say that is a good approach for generating a card game, reporting tools are something I'm not yet too familiar with.

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