New to Alteryx and just puzzling through for a while now...
I have our prior year hours for all of our clients and the scheduled hours for this year for all of our clients. The field I joined both of these files on is client #. I am summarizing/group by client # and then have a join and union set up, which is working fine. Problem is that I have 1 specific client that I do not want to summarize/group by. Is there a work around so all the data is summarized/grouped by client # except that 1 client?
@kthakk7 ,
I'd a new column, do I want to summarize (based on an in (list) and add that as a grouping field. You'll get the total of all required and ignored hours. You can filter away the ignored values.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding. Do you mind rephrasing please?
I don't need to ignore any of the hours. I need summarization for all clients, except 1 client. In the end I need to join everything still.
The prior year file has 10-15 fields + the prior year hours listed by client
The scheduled year field has 3-4 fields + the scheduled year hours listed by client
I'm doing a join with both of these files based on client #. Once everything is joined, there are some blank client region and client office fields that exist in the scheduled year file. I have a formula that basically says if the client region/office is blank then pull the data in from the scheduled year file.
The problem is I have 1 specific client that has no client region or client office the way it's summarizing. I want to summarize all the clients except this 1 client so I can still see the client prior year and scheduled year hours, but a break out by a client location instead of region or office.
Hi @kthakk7,
You can filter out the 1 client before doing summarize.
If you can share the sample input and output data then that would be more helpful.