I am trying to use MongoDB Atlas for Controller, Web & Search persistence layer with Alteryx. Tried using the same connection format as mentioned here.
The OS is windows server 2016 and we were able to test compass running on the same server without any issues but the same SRV format connection string, as mentioned in the documentation is not working.
No suitable servers found: `serverSelectionTimeoutMS` expired:
[TLS handshake failed calling ismaster on
Wondering if this is due to SSL, for test we tried using `ssl=false` with connection string but it led to similar error just without TLS.
Mongo error: “No suitable servers found: `serverSelectionTimeoutMS` expired: [Server closed connection. calling ismaster on (Hostname here)
Any idea why this is happening?
In Atlas, you can get a connection string by going to the connect button under your cluster name. Should be Connect, Metric, Collections as 3 separate buttons. Then select "connect an application" it'll just give you a generic one with some variables though. For example, here's my string that it gives me:
I replaced the Username and Password with the admin account I've created under Database Access in Atlas. Replace the myFirstDatabase bit with AlteryxService, AlteryxGallery, and AlteryxGallery_Lucene as directed from our documentation.
Since Mongodb Atlas uses TLS/SSL by default, you'll need to add their root certificate as a trusted source on your system. Their root cert should be:
The instructions we have on adding a trusted root cert to your system can be found here:
If you continue to have issues connecting, please reach out to our support team and we can further assist you.