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Input text file in Analytic App

5 - Atom

Has anyone had success pointing a file browse to a text file in an analytic app? I currently have to do this in Designer and manually  "Resolve File Type" to read as csv. I would have thought configuring this once and saving the workflow would resolve the issue, but it does not...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

How about converting your input data tool to a dynamic input tool and connect a text input tool to it. You can then connect the action tool to the text input tool to modify the filename. 


With this, the dynamic input tool has a template file and should remember the settings

5 - Atom

Thanks @DavidP ! That worked great. I have not utilized the dynamic input tool before, but its ability to remember the settings worked great.


For anyone else with a similar issue, attached is the beginning of my revised workflow. Instead of plugging the file browse directly into an input tool, I now have it pointed to a blank input text tool with the action tool updating the first cell.


Then that is connected to the dynamic input tool. Within its configuration, you will have to attach a template (I just a similar text file as an example) and resolve the file type issues once. Now the workflow remembers these settings and the app works as designed!

7 - Meteor

I was able to use this solution to get a desktop application to work but once uploaded to the server. I am getting a message that the text file is not a valid file type when placing the analytical application on the server.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Best to start a new post with details of the issue you're encountering, providing sample workflow and/or data if possible.
