The data being pulled into Alteryx has the date format as 10/31/2024. When running the workflow, Alteryx is picking the date up as 1900-01-09 instead of the date in the data. How can I make it pull what is showing in the data? I do have a date/time function in the workflow, but it errors out since the date is converting incorrectly early in the process.
Any suggestions how to get it to pull in the correct date from .xlsx?
@BethHembree what is the data format of that column in excel---> can you check the underlying file? Basically if you click on a cell in Excel---> what do you see there?
Agreed with @apathetichell that this is more likely a data pull
issue than an Alteryx issue - we’d have to see the underlying data in the original source you are reading into Alteryx
This is what I see in Excel
Hey---> we need more info... like the type of the data. right click -> format cells -> what are they formatted as. tbh ---> this is hard to troubleshoot without uploading an excel file. I'd recommend uploading a .yxzp with dummy data which includes this behavior.