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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Import File with variable path

7 - Meteor

I have a daily report where source file saved at networkd drive.  I have developed workflow easily but If I want ot schedule workflow there is a problem on monthend becasue one monthend source file refresh on monthly export folder. Is there any way if dynamic tool easily pick latest file from folder and run the reprots.

Daily Path:-  \\UK01pfsr002\PRIVAPPS\CreditControlManagement\MOIRA\Daily Exports

Monthly Path:-  \\UK01pfsr002\PRIVAPPS\CreditControlManagement\MOIRA\Monthly Exports


File Nmae:- CE Combined Direct External.xlsx

21 - Polaris

@prpanw use the directory tool to access your files and sort based on the creation time then filter the latest date then connect to the dynamic input tool and configure the full path , you also need to mention the sheet name in the path


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