I'm working with the data below to identify duplicates based on the "full part number" and want to sum all "part rates" associated with those "full part numbers".
Example: for 7L14-1040-AA0028, each row would should say "94.44%". I want to keep duplicates in the file.
How can I recognize duplicates, not remove them, and then sum the "part rate" for all of the duplicate parts without summing an entire column?
unique tool can get you only unique values - you can branch off- unique and then use a summarize.
You'll also need to change your percentages into doubles via multi-field formula with a nifty
tonumber(replace([part rate],"%","")) and change the type to double.
I understand that I can separate them, do two different formulas, and then join them back together, but how would I write a formula to sum the "take rate" of all matching "full part numbers"?
Hi @sswift13
The way to go would use summarize tool groupby "full part number" and sum of "take rate"
Hi @sswift13
Here is a resources where you can learn more on it. https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Interactive-Lessons/Summarizing-Data/ta-p/424417
as @atcodedog05 said summarize tool on group-by setting will give you a sum of percent field once you've converted it to a double. Then you can rejoin the two values so they you have one datastream with two columns with two distinct values.
If you need help - post an .xlsx of some data and someone will post a workflow.
I guess i forgot on the rejoining part @apathetichell 😅
Hi @sswift13
Here is a variation to the above joining approach. I am using find & replace tool which works like excel vlook up.
Hope this helps 🙂