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IF statement with dates

Inactive User
Not applicable

Hi community!

I have the following dataset:

date_activation, which is the year-month-date for a subscribers activation

dn, which is dial number, an identifier per subscriber

usage of megabytes, which shows the sum of usage per month per subscriber

month_usage, year-month-date (1st of each month) of usage.

Both date-columns are dates.


I want to flag and filter out “month 0” and “month 1”, but I am having troubles with the formula. “Month 0” is when the month and year of date_activation is the same as the month and year  of month_usage. “Month 1” is when month_usage is the month after date_activation.

I am trying with an IF-statement, but I am not sure how to treat the dates:

IF ([date_activation], %m) = ([month_usage], %m) THEN "0"

ELSEIF ([month_usage]=[date_activation],%m+1) THEN "1"

ELSE "other"



How do I tell Alteryx that I want to only compare the month and year and also how do I add the next month for “Month 1”?


Thank you in advance!

15 - Aurora

Hey @Inactive User 


Have a look at this page, it's the best online resource for date handling with Alteryx:


You'll want to have a look at DateTimeDiff functionality to achieve what you need, which would be something like DateTimeDiff(StartDate, EndDate, 'months') = 0 Then etc....



5 - Atom

When I use this, it groups everything that has a <4 week variation. It's not grouping based on calendar month. 

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