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IF function in filters

8 - Asteroid

I have two formulas which I wish to use as a single filter instead of creating two filters. The only difference between two formulas is that give that all of the before conditions are met I wish to have numbers greater than zero and number lesser than zero in the highlighted column as two different sets. Will I be able to do that? 


1)  IF [1256 (Y/N)] = "Y" && [MTM] = "Y" && [988(a)(1)(B)] = Null() && [988(c)(1)(D)] = Null() && [Tax 1256 G/L] > 0

THEN [Tax 1256 G/L]


2)  IF [1256 (Y/N)] = "Y" && [MTM] = "Y" && [988(a)(1)(B)] = Null() && [988(c)(1)(D)] = Null() && [Tax 1256 G/L] < 0

THEN [Tax 1256 G/L]

8 - Asteroid

If you had a >= in the first condition then you could use the "True"  output meeting the first criteria and the "False" output to meet your second criteria .


If you are not having any Zero's , then using one criteria in filter would help .


However if you totally want to ignore the zero and get less then and greater then values , then i don't think you can achieve this using one filter .

8 - Asteroid

I wish to get rid of the zeroes. Thanks Avinash, that was helpful.
